Vol. IV, Issue 11 www.perrygunclub.com Join the NRA at our Association
Hunter Education
Perry taught our Hunter Ed. course this year on Friday evening and Saturday morning, June 7th and 8th. Congratulations to the 20 students who successfully graduated.
Perry is currently in 6th place in the 2024 Berks County Amateur Trap shooting league. Lenhartsville is currently leading Perry in the Monday evening league. That league continues through the end of September; and you can still join. Our summer monthly trap shoots will be held on Saturdays, July 6th, August 3rd and September 7th.
Big Game Contests
Garren Spohn won the 2022-2023 longest turkey beard contest with an 11-1/4 inch entry taken in Berks County. All big game contest winners now receive a $75 award.
Fishing Rodeo
Perry co-sponsored with Lenhartsville Fish & Game a youth trout fishing rodeo at their pond on Saturday, May 11th. The rodeo was open to members of both clubs, their children and grand children at the lower pond at Lenhartsville.
Did you forget to take along one of your personal belongings while at the ranges?? Please check with us to retrieve your items. We currently have several pairs of sun glasses, a heavy duty striking stapler, a flask, a jar filled with foam ear plugs and a green ammo box in our possession.
Shotgun Patterning
There is a patterning stand for shotguns located between trap-houses #2 and #3. Please refrain from firing shotgun shot shells at the pistol/rifle range yard ages below 25 yards. Shot shell pellets at such short distances quickly deteriorate the target mats requiring more frequent maintenance. Limit shotgun use at the ranges for sighting in slug barrels only.
NRA Membership Recruiting Program
Perry is a registered recruiter for the NRA and we receive a recruiter fee if you join or renew your current membership with the NRA through our club. Log on to our web site or stop by the club for further details. Every gun owner should be an active member of the NRA.
Display your card
Membership cards must be visibly displayed while you are discharging a fire arm. Use the provided clips at the benches, a lanyard or pinned to your shirt or gun case. Mike Mescavage is our official range officer and he checks users frequently. You will be asked to leave the property if you do not have proof of membership.
20th Annual Women On Target®
Perry, along with the NRA Women On-Target® program and NRA Foundation held the first 20th annual non-competitive, instructional clinic in recreational shooting and hunting sports this year on June 22nd. A second clinic will be held on September 21st. Entries are limited to 32 participants. Congratulations to the 20 ladies who successfully passed the June 22nd event. The clinics include instruction in safe firearms handling, hands-on pistol, rifle, shotgun and archery shooting. To register go to the nra.org web site. Click on Firearms Training, Women’s Programs, Women-On Target and select the 9/21/24 date to register. You must pay the $50 pre registration fee on our web site. Click on the 9/21 date in the Events tab and then click on our PayPal account button to pay with credit card. The NRA provides funding for these clinics.
The remaining 2024 Board shoots are on September 8th, October 13th, November10th and Dec. 8th. Sign-up begins at 8:30 a.m. and the shoots start at 9:00 a.m. You are competing for very nice meat trays from Chrisman’s in Oley. Splatter boards and strip tickets for meat trays are also sold during those events. For every entry sign-up your name is also entered in a special drawing after the December shoot for a gift card.